LDC4 — Сушильные шкафы (загрузка 4-20 кг)
- Гибкая конструкция
- 3 температуры
- Защита от перегрева
Характеристика машин
* Flexible construction allows hanging bars to slide easely forward for easy access to garments or down for more space
* Easy to install; evacuating channel is connected to the ventilation system and the humid air is transported out of the room
* All electrical components are placed on the top which makes it easy to maintan
* Pull-out hanging system
* 3 temperatures: high, normal, low
* Overheat protection
* Energy efficient
* Timer adjustable up to 4 hours
* IP 24 classification, CE — approved
* The door can be ordered right or left hanged
* Baskets to drip dry on a flat surface
* Hangers for small items (door frame)
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